Application for Licensure
Application for Licensure;
Soft pack (administration, cookery, cutlery, linens, housekeeping, maintenance);
Policies and procedures – Our program offers electronic policies and procedures as well as regulatory agent rules and regulations specific to each department. Each staff member for the respective department can refer to their own respective discipline without the need to be burdened with policies and procedures of other departments that don’t relate to them.
Budget preparation and staff organizing – With our expertise and proven track record we will produce precisely the positons and the quantities require in an effort to be compliant as well as profitable. Each staff member will have a job description and an actual compensation package that is accurate and sustainable.
Human Resources – Applicants can be recruited and job applicants can apply electronically and their respective credentials required by the regulatory agencies and the facility policies are dynamically uploaded. Employees receive automatic notifications of deficient and/or expired credentials by text and/or e-mail. Reports and charts of staff credentialing are dynamically produced on an individual and facility basis.
Staffing monthly calendars are dynamically produced in minutes. Each staff member has an on-line dash board whereby they can obtain their individual schedules and manage their time off requests. Training – With standardization the time necessary for staff training is minimized allowing staff members to become productive quicker. This process reduces turn over and increase staff morale.
Marketing – Our system allows us the process of identifying and filtering campaign types, campaigns, source, strength and status. Leads are data entered, reports and charts are produced accurately illustrating how many leads are coming in, where the leads are coming from, how many leads are being converted to residents for any given time period.
Dietary – Our licensed dietician creates seasonal menus. Our dietary supervisor automatically generates a food order based upon the menu and the resident census. This system allow for accurate food orders in terms of the food items and the quantities. This results in meals that are delivered as designed with minimal waste. At each meal time the cook has an electronic resident rooster showing all of the residents to be included and any special diets. The cook verifies and checks off and accounts for that each resident that ate along with any comments. Daily meal activity reports are automatically generated. Resident family members can electronically make special dietary requests.
Preventative Facility Maintenance – Each facility has an overall monthly preventative maintenance program. In keeping with the preventative maintenance program, each maintenance staff member retrieves their daily maintenance tasks for execution. Additionally, maintenance requests can be electronically sent by all staff members and resident families. Upon completion of the maintenance request, sender receives a message that their request has been completed. Maintenance logs are dynamically tracked with maintenance status reports.
Caregiving – Through the dashboard, the caregiver staff retrieves their task list of activities of daily living for residents requiring such services. The caregiver staff systematically completes the tasks and when the caregiver checks off the items have been completed, their supervisor receives a text/e-mail notification to verify the work has been done. The caregiver task list is always accurate and up to the minute including new services, new residents and resident room changes. We directly match actual resident service requirements with scheduled caregiver hours. This linear system of direct accountability improves resident, family member and staff morale.
Resident Care – Our On-line portal allows the residents, their families and third party providers to receive automatic notifications regarding specific detail of the resident’s care (progress notes, doctor notes, medication changes, home health visits, etc.) Family members have the option of sending messages back. The resident family member can make on-line specific requests for coordination of resident’s care.
Residents – As documentation is vital in healthcare, so are the information contained. Our system has checks and balances to ensure each resident had comprehensive documentation. Reports are dynamically generated on a resident basis, and a facility basis, along with graphs, allowing transparency and easy follow up.
Finance – The server grade biometric hand punch ensures all staff punch-in and prohibits any “buddy” punch-ins. Our time and attendance software feature records all staff punch-ins and outs off site in the cloud. The time and attendance software interfaces with our accounting system. As such the actual staff hours dynamically populate in the accounting software saving hours of data entry and reducing user error. Upon the completion of payroll, our application generates a report illustrating scheduled hours versus actual hours, as well as schedule payroll cost versus actual payroll cost on a department basis.
Resident monthly invoice summary is produced dynamically up to date including current residents as well as changes to the services during the course of the month, room changes, new residents admitted and any residents that were discharged. The accountant simply data enters the miscellaneous charges. Once the invoice summary is reviewed and approved, the data dynamically populates in the accounting software and resident invoices and statements of account are generated automatically.
Our revenue business model structurally includes a base room and board rate and a menu services that each resident can choose from. Monthly resident billing itemizes the services selected by each resident. This pricing model allows residence the opportunity to only pay for the services actually required.
Housekeeping – Each housekeeper obtains their own respective specific tasks list for any given day from our operating system. Once completed the housekeeper enters the completed tasks and the direct supervisor gets a notification to inspect the completed housekeeping task lists. Resident families and staff can electronically send specific housekeeping request and once completed receive a message that the requests have been completed.
Enrichment – Upon new resident admission, a personal comprehensive detailed questionnaire is completed identifying the new resident’s personal history and personal interest. The data is entered into our system and the enrichment staff develops the monthly enrichment calendar for the community specifically tailored to the personal interests of our community. Each day the enrichment staff has a dynamically generated resident census for each activity based upon the resident’s level of interest.