A uniquely rich yet standardized approach in developing assisted living communities with a focus on resort style living emphasizing a multi-sensory environments for residents.
Offering a superior level of success for potential owners of assisted living communities.
Appreciating the recognition of a trademark brand along with the experience and expertise in the selection of the right location, optimal cutting edge design to address the needs of seniors; well established copyright protected proprietary on-line software application portal to ensure a high level of standardization of processes for regulatory compliance and staff training, followed up with an on-going support system.

A brand is to a business like a reputation is to an individual. The Timeless Life Care brand is earning a great reputation.
This reputation mirrors the reputation of the Founder and Managing Member Greg Anderson. Everyone who has worked with Greg knows he has earned his reputation by trying to do hard things well. When it comes to assisted living, Timeless Life Care has earned a reputation for excellence for more than seventeen years. The business model for each location will offer a unique perspective, yet is duplicable with a common theme; the convergence of health care, assisted living, technology through resort-style living. We are now offering our branding, expertise experience to entrepreneurs desiring to enter the high-growth ever demanding assisted-living market but have yet to acquire the expertise and experience to do so
In looking ahead, Timeless Life Care is acutely aware of the constantly rapid increase of competitors entering the assisted living industry.
Seventeen years of experiencing the demands of our aging population and our expertise in the assisted living industry we are well positioned to enjoy continued success. Our efficient building designs and the standardization of the operation as well as the spa-like resort communities are concrete examples of our unique position.